Condo Association Websites: 5 Must-Have Features For Every HOA Website

If you are looking to have a HOA Website developed, there are a few crucial features that need to be included.

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HOA Website Must Have Features 

HOA Sites

In order to create a functional, user-friendly site that caters to the needs of residents, you’ll want to build a site that offers a variety of tools, services, and content.

This will create a smooth experience for website visitors and actual condo residents.

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A condo website will act as a direct link between the Board, the residents, and the management team and open a much-needed channel of communication.

Every Condo community website should include, contact forms, dues payment platforms, secure document storage, a community photo gallery, and website backups.


Contact Forms

HOA website contact forms are the software that enables residents to interact with the management agency.

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  • Create various platforms and formats for residents, and the Board to communicate with you.
  • Create contact forms for work orders and issues.
  • Create contact forms for residents to get in contact with the Board and find out about guidelines.
  • You can also create a contact form for residents to include their information.

From there, you’ll be able to develop an email list to contact all residents and keep them informed about upcoming meetings, policy changes, or important information.

It is wise to include contact forms on HOA or Condo websites.

Secure Document Storage

An association management website can be a great tool to store data about residents, vendors, neighborhood information and more, all in one place.

You can share common documents that need to be signed, and you can also collect signatures for various neighborhood functions.

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It is also valuable to maintain current contact information and other sensitive personal information from residents regarding themselves or their property.

Because the storage is secure, the information is protected.

It is also well organized and all accessible in one place. It is important to have secure document storage on a Condo website for consolidated and safely preserved information.


Online Dues Payment

An important feature to include on Condo pages is a dues payment platform.

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This enables the Association to collect fees for special assessments, cam fees, neighborhood fees, and applicable taxes.

This can also serve as an interface for residents to pay various fines or certain taxes.

A dues payment platform simplifies the burden of the association to collect payment and eases the process. Dues payment systems are an advantageous feature for a neighborhood webpage.

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Community Photo Gallery

A community photo gallery is a surprisingly important feature for Condo websites.

Websites for HOA

This is the main driver of residents to interact with the website in an outward community-building way.

  1. This feature should include some images of the physical property and common areas.
  2. It can also include a space for residents to share photos.
  3. In some cases, residents share photos of their homes or the physical property, but often they choose to share images of the neighborhood get-togethers and events on the property.

Residents and homeowners enjoy the opportunity to share photos with management and later see them featured on community bulletin boards within the photo gallery.

The platform promotes user interaction and helps foster neighbor communication and relationships. The result is overall community improvement.


Website Backups

It is crucial to have a website backup for your community page.

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This acts as a reserve for information and data that has been stored safely (thanks to your Secure Document Storage!)

Due to the nature of ‘cloud’ systems and digital storage, occasional crashes or corrupt files disrupt the HOA website and its data.

If you have a website backup for your community page, it will be easy to restore the information once the site or host is up and running again.

Be sure to include website backups of your Condo website to avoid lost information.


When building a condo association website there are a few key features that will set the page apart and make it both user-friendly and relevant.

Be sure to include contact forms, dues payment platforms, secure document storage, a community photo gallery, and website backups.


These features are a great basis for every Condo community website.

NEW: See Our List of The Top Condo Websites of 2024: Click Here

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Find out how an Association Website can improve your community value and increase homeowner satisfaction.


PropertyPop develops modern, professional HOA and Condo Websites that represent your Association, provide easier communication tools for the community and enables owners with quick access to secure Resident Portals, 24/7/365.

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